Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Karter is in ICU

Karter is not doing to good, he started not breathing very good 3 days ago. Yesterday he woke up and was barley breathing. They took him to picu so they can watch him better. Right now we are just trying breathing treatments. If he does not get better they are going to put in a breathing tube. But right now he is doing ok a lot better then yesterday.But his counts went up to 300 so that's good.

this is a treatment


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping us updated. Know that we are wishing you the best. Karter is a tough little man.

The Beesley's said...

That picture is so sad- I'm sorry he's had to be taken to ICU, but maybe it will help him get better sooner! We're always thinking of you!

Annalee and Buck said...

I'm so sorry he had to go to PICU. He is such a little trooper. It's too bad things have to get worse before they can get better. Hang in there :) You guys are awesome

Jill Heaps said...

Keep your chin up and just remember it is part of the roller coaster ride you are on! We are praying for him and YOU!