So kipp and i have been married for a year today!!! We have had a really long year, but we have grown so close. ANd i dont know what i would do with out him.
Well Kipp and I had a beautiful baby boy named, Karter he was born November 10th 2007.
Seems like a day ago. We bought a house in hurricane, And love it here. Then we got married in June. In my dads backyard. And loved it. I have the best family’s anyone could ask for. I have a very loving and caring family. And married in to a wonderful family. They are so great and fun. And could not ask for more. Our son Karter was diagnosed with SCIDS, also know as (sever combined immune deficiency) When he was only 8 months old. We have spent most of his life at Primary Childrens. Where he underwent , Chemo and a Bone Marrow transplant. He is doing much Better, But not all the way we have a ways to go. Before he is all better.
Happy Anniversary!
holy cow! That year went by fast sort of!
Happy Anniversary and many more to come
Happy Anniversary my friend! Heres to wishing you a very UNEVENTFUL year! Atleast where Karter is concerned :)
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