Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Another Hospital trip!

SO Karter and i went up to my dads on wed. We had a Dr app Thursday. well wed night around 12 am he got a fever. So we rushed up to salt lake. we got there about 3 am. They took some blood out of his line. and you have to wait 24 hrs to see if anything grows. Well he had staff infection. it never really went away the first time. so they scheduled to take out his line the next day. So they came and got him for surgery. And they just cut it out. The hole that's left in his chest is sick and they told me he would not need anything on it. But i put a band aid on it because its kinda deep. Anyways we had to wait for the infection to clear out of his blood. and wait for pick line on Monday. They were not even sure if they could get him in or what time. so he could not eat or drink. Not to fun with a 18 months old who is on meds to get him to eat. well they came about noon. and did it in his room. they gave him some versted. a sedation drug, and he started laughing so hard. it was so funny. he does not like the pick very much and i think it is sore. they tryed once and could not get it. We really like his central line. but we are home now and he is doing better.


Colette said...

The poor little guy! He is such a trooper and so are you guys. Hope all goes well for him!

Anonymous said...

Oh Mal, that is not fun at all. I am sorry. I can't even imagine everything Karter has gone through what a tough little man.

Jill Heaps said...

I am so glad you are home! You and Karter are SO BRAVE! Lets hope Karter keeps his pick in! Did you find out what his counts were? I hope they are great.
Emily takes her doggy EVERYWHERE! SHe has been getting a lot of tummy aches throughout the day so it has been her best friend! Thank you so much!

Beck's said...

Bless this poor little guy. He is a fighter and a dang cute one at that. We pray for him and think about you guys often. Lets us know if there is anything that we can do.

Cory and Lacey Jo said...

He is such a cute little guy!! You ALL are such troopers, I don't know how you do it, all with a smile on your face. Love You All