The other day kipp ran his hand through Karters hair and this is what happen. I thought he pulled it out, But karter just keep playing. We knew this day was coming but really didn't want it to. It was really sad for me to see his hair just come out. kipp was excited Because he love to cut Karters hair.So We had to cut it off, We bicked it so the fuzz didn't fall out and make him itchy.

Karter didn't mind as you can tell, just as long as the Bee movie is on.

It was kinda scary cutting his hair with a razor, It felt so crazy

Kipp Cut his hair with Karter but didn't dare cut it like Karters.
I love these boys so much. i Don't know what i would do with out them.
He is such a handsome little boy with or without hair! How is Karter doing? I wish only the best for him and hope things are going well.
He looks just like his dad now. He is so cute. I hope everything is going good.
holy cow he looks just like kipp with that haircut... lots of love!
Karter looks so darling!! He looks really good---Keep it up Karter!!
hey malory. . . I haven't talke to you in a really long time but I hope Karter is doing okay!! And I hope you are able to stay strong as well. My husband and I will keep you in our prayers. Let me know if we can do anything to help your family, I would be more than happy to.
Karter looks really contet. It shows how much care and love you guys are showing him. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. LOVE DEANN
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