So we took him to the clinic and they did a hemoglobin test and it was only 4 so she called his doctor ,and his doctor told us to go the the hospital where he was at and they wanted to admit him. Come to find out he was not making blood he had 30% of normal. His bone marrow had shut down from the pneumonia. So right away the were trying to find a vane to get the iv started. They try ed 4 different times. And finally got one. They needed 9 ml of blood and could not get it. so they poked him some more, and still not able to get it all. That night about one in the morning they gave him 100 cc for blood. We had to wait for more test and he was up to a 10 ( 10.5 to 15.5 is normal) but they let us go home. We have to go back Thursday and Friday for more test. poor little guy

(can you see his two teeth at the bottom)

Thanks to all of you who think about us and pray for us. We love you guys
That's so sad i hope he's feeling better. He is so cute! Are you guys coming up for the 24th?
Hope all goes well! We love all of you so much and you are in our prayers! Kiss little baby Karter for us!
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